St. Paul's is a Right to Life Parish.

We warmly welcome you to our Parish. Call the Parish Office to register. 



                                                                       MISSION STATEMENT 

St. Paul's Parish is a Eucharistic community of baptized followers of Jesus Christ in the tradition of the Roman Catholic Faith. We promote spiritual and personal growth by challenging all to ongoing conversion. Led by the Spirit, we celebrate the presence of Christ in our lives by proclaiming the gospel, providing Sacramental life, and striving to discover the use of our gifts in loving service. 



CHOSEN veiwing

Will be taking a hiatus until February 26, 2025. At that time all are invited to join St. Paul's in the large parish hall to start season 4. Doors open 5:45 for a start time of 6pm thru, no later than 9:15pm. Which includes discussion on the session if interested in participating


Beginning October 4th, Adoration will be from 9am -noon. This will be once a month on the first Friday of each. month.   


Welcome Sunday! Starting February 16, we will welcome all our new parishioners at the 10AM Mass followed by a "Meet and Greet" over coffee in the Parish Hall, continuing on every 3rd Sunday of the month. Information on Parish organizations and ministries will be available. If you have not chosen a new Parish, please join us as well. All are welcome!

Prayer Chain

St Paul's prayer chain is a ministry offering prayerful support to those who request it.

We pray fo a multitude of reasons: to seek comfort, healing, grief support, celebrate joy, give thanks. A prayer chain kicks it up several levels. because it is many individuals who are praying.

You can be part of it in two ways, request prayers when you or someone you know is in need of prayer; and/or join the chain as one of our prayer partners. Simply phone or an email us, your prayer, which can be a simplre request that God watch over and help those whose names have been sent to you.

Call Michele (716-725-6860) to sign up or text her (401-633-5800) or send an emai at





Online Giving

Office Hours

Monday & Thursday: ---9:00 am - 3:00 pm
Tuesday--9 am---NOON
Wednesday---- CLOSED
Friday---9 am--1 pm

Closed Daily from 12:00- 12:30 PM

